Supporting Ukrainian newborns who have jaundice
At Francine Sohn’s home in Edgartown on Thursday July 28, 2022 , a small group gathered for The Support Ukrainian Newborns (SUN) Project’s fundraiser, which brings “vital medical equipment to providers in Ukraine to help save newborns.” In particular, the fundraiser was being done in response to a plea from T.K. Znamenskaya, president of the Ukrainian Neonatology Association, for 60 bili-huts and 60 bili-rulers, both of which are medical devices used for the treatment of jaundice in babies. The bili-hut (invented by Dr. Donna Brezinski) is a small, portable blue-light phototherapy device for jaundice, while bili-rulers (invented by Dr. Anne C.C. Lee) are used to detect the condition.
Article: https://www.mvtimes.com/2022/07/29/it-is-completely-treatable/
For more on the bili-ruler, which was developed by Dr. Lee and the Global AIM Lab, you can read our paper in Pediatrics.