Sarah Jensen
Research Scientist
Dr. Sarah Jensen is a psychologist with a special interest in how pre- and postnatal stress affects children’s development and well-being, and the biological mechanisms linking psychosocial and biological stress with child outcomes. She completed a clinical degree in Psychology from the University of Copenhagen and obtained a PhD in Developmental Psychopathology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London. After her graduate studies, Sarah completed postdoctoral training with Professor Charles Nelson where she studied the effects of early biological and psychosocial adversity on neurodevelopmental outcomes in children growing up in a slum in Bangladesh. She then competed a second postdoctoral fellowship working on early childhood intervention studies to support healthy development among children living in poverty in Rwanda. She currently works on the ENAT and LIDG studies of child development in the context of maternal stress and nutrition intervention in Ethiopia.